The Cursed Ship, Collector’s Edition App Reviews

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Very Intersting

this was interesting would not buying the game


it seems to be fun perhaps a bit slow but intriguing

Fantastic game

Great graphics, intriguing stories and simple puzzles ! Strongly recommended...


Excelent game. Can play for hours. Keep the good job going on. Thanks!!!

Great game!

It’s a great mystic dark game, I can truly recommend it!




very interesting

As always - perfect performance and atmosphere

Artist are doing well!

The Cursed Ship

I thoroughly enjoyed playing this game, although I completed it in less than 7 hours, which is a HUGE disappointment to me. I feel like, to spend $6.99 on a game, it should give you about 3 days worth of entertainment, or more! Or it should have add-ons for more continuous play. The graphics were OK, not necessarily out of this world, as was the story. If this game were $2 cheaper, then I would say buy it! But it’s not, so I’m on the fence as to whether I can recommend it to new players.


This game is very enjoyable to play. The graphics are nice and there are a lot of fun puzzles. The story line is one to enjoy and follow. Both my kids and I play this game together….funniest thing happened during game play….we were all very intensely playing and becoming quite spooked at some of the graphics and sounds….when all of a sudden the entire block lost power!! It went pitch black!! It was a great freak out moment lol!! Definetly check this game out.

Rate it for a Sequel?

I’ll come back and change this review if this G5 game actually give me a sequel for rating it. Think the game is fun, but have numerous G5 games now and I think I’ve had but one actually give me a sequel.

It was entertaining

This is a good game to play if you have a lot of time to kill and you want to keep busy. Suggested for long flights or car rides.

The Cursed Ship

Awesome!***** by Sparooo -Version 0 - Aug 10, 2015 I loved everything about it! Hope to see more like it.

The Cursed Ship

I am really enjoying this game! Hope to see more so!!!

the cursed ship

Thought it was great ,,entertaining. like the music & plot fun.

Great Game!!!!

This game is perfect for those who enjoy solving mysteries and/or puzzles. Unfortunately the game is not that long. On the other hand, this game is worth the money!!!

have seen alot worse game.

not overly challenging but a nice way to kill some time

The Cursed Ship

This has been a great game so far. I have played one other game you offer so far and it was wonderful too. But ,I have to say this is by far the best kind of game I enjoy playing.I am looking foreward to a lot more games just like this one to be offered to me. I Thank You From The Bottom Of My Heart. Sincerely penny Tainter (BLAZE7660)

enjoy the cruise!!

This is an addicting game cant wait to see what is around the next corner or an the other side of the door.

Worth the $$

Loved it! Kept me entertained for hours.

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